The Decisive Moment

Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of the greatest photographers of all time, coined the phrase "decisive moment" in photography, referring to the split second of timing that helped transform a picture into an iconic image.

A few decisive moments from Emma's and Stuart's wedding are shown below. The first photograph is the moment Emma tells her Mum that's she's just got married, as their marriage was a secret. The second photograph is Emma's daughter hugging her husband. The last photograph isn't a decisive moment but Emma in her fabulous gown.

I have almost completed processing the photographs - they will all be on-line by tomorrow evening. I am really really happy with the wedding photographs espeially since we couldn't go outside due to the monsoon conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Just popped by to see how things were going... Glad to see that you're getting even better by the day it seems!

    Just got my Lightsphere this morning, and off to try it out at a christening at the weekend... Can see why there might be some funny looks though!

    All the best,


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